Momentum Scholarship (Department of Chemistry)

This Momentum Scholarship is for incoming Freshmen chemistry majors. This award provides a $1000 annual gift ($500 each for Fall and Spring semesters). Any first-time freshman chemistry major with a minimum high school GPA of 2.75 is eligible to apply. Applications will be available during the Fall each year, winners will be announced in the Spring, and funds will be available the following academic year.

Supplemental Questions
  1. Did you take chemistry in high school? If so, what did you earn?
  2. What other chemistry programs are you applying to?
  3. Please provide us a link to a 3-5 minute video of yourself telling us about yourself and answering the following questions. Be creative, you don't have to answer them in order or even in a standard Q&A format.

    We value your creativity!

    1. Who are you and where did you come from?
    2. What attracted you to the subject of chemistry?
    3. What are your career goals? (It's okay to not be sure at this point, a lot of us were unsure too!)
    4. Do you know what kind of chemistry (medicinal, materials, engineering, biochemistry, etc.) you are interested in?
    5. What are some of your hobbies and/or extracurricular activities?