Dr. E Stephen Purdom Music Scholarship

PURPOSE: To fund scholarships for music majors with preference given to harp students.

Prospective music majors, regardless of the degree program or performance area, are given full consideration for any music scholarships for which they meet the qualifications if they complete an audition by the end of the audition cycle (usually early in March) of the spring preceding the semester they matriculate. No additional application is needed. Awards are usually made for four years (undergraduate) or two years (graduate), subject to the conditions outlined below.

Each semester the academic record will be reviewed for every student receiving a music scholarship, out-of-state waiver, work grant, or graduate assistantship. There are five criteria that must be met:
a. Student must maintain enrollment as a full-time music major.
b. Student must receive a grade of “B” or higher in major applied area.
c. Student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 3.0 in all music courses.
d. Student must maintain a cumulative grade point average of 2.5 in all course work.
e. Student must be enrolled in the appropriate performing ensemble and must participate in any other performing ensemble as deemed necessary by the Department of Music.
If one or more criteria are not met, the following steps will be taken:
1st semester – Student is placed on probation with a 25% permanent reduction in award. Probation guidelines must be met.
2nd occurrence – Student will remain on probation with no action taken.
3rd occurrence – Student’s award will be canceled permanently.
Students are allowed two semesters of probation during their academic career. The third semester with minimum requirements not met will result in award cancellation. To be placed on probation, the student must meet the criteria below. If the student does not meet these probationary minimums, their award is canceled permanently.
a. Student must have between a 2.5 and 2.99 music grade point average.
b. Student must have between a 2.0 and 2.49 cumulative grade point average.
c. Student must have no less than a “C” in their applied area.
The director reserves the right to review all scholarship recipients to determine continuing eligibility and may cancel an award due to conduct inconsistent with the goals of the music program and reputation.
